Utrecht University, Meet the Makers, Utrecht, 2024
On invitation of dr. David Gauthier, Assistant Professor of Computational Media & Arts, Utrecht University
guest lecture: Art Risks and Fails for Contemporary Curatorship
About practice-based considerations of curatorship as artistic practice born from artistic collaboration, in the international art arena, focused on risks and fails prevalent in working with institutions, artists, funding organizations, and so on. The lecture proposes how curatorial collaboration stems from concepts, but from there grapples with politics (local to national), financing logistics (in the funding maze, local to national), production towards results, audience experience to be callibrated per project, while always working with artists at the core of all curatorial endeavours.

University of Amsterdam, Art & Network Cultures, Amsterdam, 2024
On invitation of dr. Geert Lovink, Professor of Art & Network Cultures, University of Amsterdam
guest lecture: Tech-critical Art, Forms of Emotional Acceleration
About curatorial research into emo-spaces of tech-criticality in media art, exploring festivity of glamorous pessimism in technology-critical art, artistic practices of digital culture-spaces through platform defacement, uncanny aesthetics wielded for aesthetics-pun, science friction as artistic strategy, LARP-ing futurity as critical space of carnivalesque protest, and newly to be appreciated artistic statements as images of collective technology-lament.

SAPY Pipeline lecture, Seoul Foundation of Arts and Culture, Seoul Korea, 2022
Sponsored by Seoul Foundation of Art & Culture, Seoul Museum of Art (SEMA) and national museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), on invitation of Yaloo, Korean media artist
lecture & panel talk: Prepper Paradise, Lusting for Dystopic Futures
About chaotic-technology contexts for chaos semantics, imaginaries and aesthetic trends in design and art visualising dystopic futures in the solastalgic phase of emotional reckoning with the anthropocene, combatting the mainstream allure of dystopia entertainment as a longstanding business model.
with: co-speakers Sam Rolfes, Theo Triantafyllides, curated by Yaloo, panel discussion with Sangho Noh, Eunsol Lee, Heemin Chung, produced by Jieun Kwon

Wetransfer Symposium, Cinekid Festival, Amsterdam, 2019
private symposium
: Living in digital culture, exploring antropology of our time through art and design commissions about digital culture as an anthropological environment for introspection
About how art exploring digital culture can move away from technological displays of grandeur and mystification towards a debate on mainstream culture as the digital living environment of our time.
with: Peter Lunenfeld - UCLA Design Media Art, Zippora Elders, Melanie Bonajo, Abner Preis, Studio Pointer

Hacking Heritage, Waag Society, Amsterdam, 2017
lecture: Digital Artifacts: defining digital artifacts in contemporary art and visual culture
About digital art functioning as artifacts representing different stages in the digitization of society and the internet as an antropological field for research; and the functional policy of acquisition and preservation as a model for future museum collection policy in representing digital art for the future.

Future Proof?! Transformation Digital Art, LiMa at Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, Schiedam, 2017
: Procrastination: Museums high strung struggle to acquire and present digital art in a collaborative model
About the proces of buying and preserving digital art in pragmatic option driven processes for collection policy for museums; and the procrastination that provides relevance to the subject but hinders active acquistion strategies.
with: Sabine Himmelsbach - HEK Basel, Jon Ippolito - University of Maine, Florian Cramer - Piet Zwart Institute, Anner Dekker University of Amsterdam, Gaby Wijers, Patricia Falcao - Tate Modern, Klaus Rechert - University of Freiburg, Tom Ensom - King’s College London, Geert Mul

Young Collectors Circle x SSBA, Stadsschouwburg Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 2016 
talk show: Internet – Buying Digital Art
About collecting digital art as a museum, the emotional value of the internet as a platform for art, the practical connotations of collecting digital artifacts.
with: Jan Robert Leegte, Nieck de Bruijn - founder/directorUpstream Gallery, Yuki Kho (moderator)

Avans University of the Arts, Breda, 2016
masterclass: Necessities of messy mediums and lo fi anti aesthetics in critical digital art and design
About the digital underground as influence for the provocative new generation of artists and designers in new media experimentational spheres.

De Correspondent – Festival van de Vernieuwing, Felix Meritis, Amsterdam, 2016
talk show: Digital art in the museum context
About the museum as classical art institute presenting art in the internet aware age as newfound media art experiments.
with: Josephine Bosma, Geoffrey Lillemon, Marian Cousijn, Ernst Jan Pfauth

CJP Serveert: Planet Hype, MOTI Museum, Breda, 2016: Hypes, triggers and media addiction
About the relevance of social media hypes as part of our contemporary culture, the value of the meme-sphere, armchair activism and new protest moverments using social media tools to attain traditional media visibility.
with: Aynouk Tan, Tinkebell, Tim den Besten

Z33, Hasselt Belgium, 2016
: Visual Culture and the privacy conundrum in contemporary design
About visual culture influencing design and the public space, the privacy be design model for conscientious innovation models and the designer as critical chronicler of technological influence on policy manking. 

Design my Pricay - Crypto Design, MOTI Museum, Breda, 2016: Art and design about privacy and the new information society
About artists and designers exploring the current debate of privacy for mainstream information technology, digital culture as a libing environment and art reflecting on policy and reality of the information era.
with: Dimitri Tokmetzis - De Correspondent, Roel Roscam Abbing & Dennis de Bel, Rosa Menkman, Tijmen Schep, Mieke Gerritzen

SIB Utrecht University, Utrecht, 2016
: Hypes, perishable: digital media hypes in contemporary cultural discourse
About the meme, the hype and the hyperbole model of technological integration of social media platforms in mainstream culture influencing digital visual culture and social media addiction for new generations of internet users.

Born Digital Symposium, MOTI Museum, Breda, 2015
lecture + talk show: Born Digital -  Digital art as presented larger than life
About translating the ephemeral qualities of digital art, post internet art and net art to the monumental scope of experience in museum exhibitions.
with: Jospehine Bosma, Rafael Rozendaal, Rosa Menkman, Jan Robert Leegte, Gerben Willers

TAGGED/ME, House of Visual Culture, Breda, 2013
talk show: Tagged/me - online  individualism and the Tumblr undergourng
About the Tumblr underground microblogger scene as an activism based blogosphere model unicum for an angry chaos driven online space for visually stylistic indivivualism  and reactionary identity politics.
with: Anneke Smelik - Radboud University, Aynouk Tan

Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven, 2011 
Film meets design: contemporary cross overs in a new design genre
About designers and artists as experimental researchers of film and design blends as a new genre, in the fields of design film, fashion film, digital animation, typographic film and media installations.
with: Thomas Dahm - Neon Moire