Air Castles Ltd.
EXHIBITIONCurator of exhibition about the ever-changing concept of technological progress as a task of futurity, situated in the geopolitically inclined perspective of manufacturing this extensive realm of thought of future building towards collective mentality and moral purpose of solidarity for earth. The exhibition explores, through art, design, and architecture projects, how humanity in collaboration with emerging technologies and in consideration of historical moments of world building, can linger on a manifold of thresholds for consideration towards collective engagement with world building any of many possible futures.
To be announced.
To be announced.
Location Bureau Europa

FESTIVALArtistic director and curator of ALLUMINOUS, a festival dedicated to innovative theatrical forms and artistic methodologies in the genre of light art in the city of Almere. ALLUMINOUS focuses on artworks commissioned to collaborating duos of theatre professionals and visual artist, as new concepts for the artistic realm of light art, presented along a five kilometer route around Almere’s Weerwater lake.
2025 festival edition preparation in progress.
2024 - In duo commissions: Louise te Poele & Tim Vermeulen/Suburbia, Noortje van den Eijnde & Jos Agasi/Vis à Vis, Touki Delphine & Enric Monfort/Black Pencil Ensemble, Pieternel Bollmann & Vasilis Apotlatos/BonteHond. Additional commissions: Clinton Kabena, Suze Miltenburg & Stieneke Oeverbeek. Additional artworks: Atelier Haute Cuisine, WERC Collective, Jop Vissers Vorstenbosch, Folkert de Jong.
2023 - In duo commissions: Theun Mosk/Gouden Haas & Oceanic, Maaike Fransen & Juul Dekker/Vis à Vis, MAISON the FAUX & Linda Bosch/Suburbia, Zindzi Witte & Serano Pinas/Bontehond, Enric Monfort/Black Pencil & Jurjen Alkema. Additional artworks: Vendel & de Wolf, UXU studio, Iwan Smit.
2022 - In duo commissions: Meeus van Dis & Neal Groot/Suburbia, Simon Wald-Lasowski & Hendrik Walther/Ulrike Quade Company, Heleen Blanken & Marieke Nooren/Gouden Haas, Daphne Karstens/BonteHond. Additional artworks: Gali May Lucas, Mads Vega, Clay Dorse Odom, Nicole Banowetz.
Vis à Vis, Suburbia, Gouden Haas, BonteHond, Black Pencil, Light Art Collection, Carte Blanche, Ulrike Quade Company, M. Museum. TSR AV, Circuloco.
location Almere public space
production ALLUMINOUS team
film Tanja Busking
images by Fabian Landewee, Beeldkrakers, Clemens Wildschut
2022, 2023, 2024, 2025

EXHIBITIONCuration of upcoming exhibition about the aesthetics of preparing for dystopia. The exhibition will explore the ethics and luxury or DIY aesthetics of prepper culture as a debate for design fiction solutionism and proposes visual utopias for dystopian times.
Stine Deja, Liam Young, Brent Watanabe, Rustan Söderling, Dennis de Bel, Meeus van Dis, Theo Triantafyllidis & Kostis Stafylakis, Paul Kuipers, Floor van het Nederend, Ted Noten, Let Death Dance Again
Stefan Schäfer - Let Death Dance Again
location Bureau Europa, Maastricht
production Ilona van den Brekel
film Sam Nemeth
images by Stine Deja, Theo Triantafyllides & Kostis Stafylakis, Rustan Söderling, Liam Young, Ted Noten
2022 > MARCH 26 - AUGUST 15

WORLD EXPO OFFICIAL ART PROGRAMMECuration of the official visual art programme of Floriade Expo 2022, a Bureau International des Exhibitions official Wolrd Expo, in 2022 in Almere, The Netherlands. The visual art programme focuses on commissioned large scale art installations proposing new experiences and viewpoints on nature’s wilder, naturally magical side as technology intersects.
Florentijn Hofman, Farida Sedoc, Bouke Groen, David Gauthier, Studio Pointer*, Felipe van Laar, Audrey Large, Abner Preis, KCCM, Casper Braat, Lisa Konno
location Floriade Expo 2022 Almere
production Lisanne van Wijk
partners Oerol, StrandLAB Almere, Urban Greeners, Tolhuistuin Amsterdam
supported by municipality Almere, Province Flevoland, Prins Benrhard Cultuurfonds, Cultuurfonds Almere, AFK
2022 > APRIL 14 - OKTOBER 9